Zeiss SteREO Lumar.V12
Zeiss SteREO Lumar V.12 has a fully motorized and automated column with fluorescence capabilities. It is equipped with two Zeiss Axiocams, one capable of high resolution (MRc5, 36 bit color camera5Mpixel) color imaging and the other capable of high speed (>60fps) capture. Images are captured using Zeiss Zen software.
General Capabilities 
- Brightfield
- Darkfield
- Fluorescence-Hg lamp and filter sets;
- UV: ex 359-371/em LP397
- GFP: ex 450-490/em500-550
- TRITC: ex 540-552/em575-640
- YFP: ex 489-513/em520-550
- NeoLumar S 0.8x and 1.5x objectives
- Magnification 6.3x-150x
- Working distance of 80 mm with .8X
- Working distance of 30 mm with 1.5X
Resolution: 1micron
Digital image capture and analysis
- Multichannel fluorescence acquisition
- Z-stack capture
- Time lapse
- Measurement and Data Analysis
SIF 151 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA