What is it?

This is a database of LSU faculty research mentor profiles. Students who are interested in research can use the database to learn more about the faculty member's research and what qualifications the faculty member is looking for in a student researcher. Students interested in getting involved in research will reach out to a listed faculty member by directly emailing them.

How do I use it?

Frequently Asked Questions

For technical assistance, please email us at lsudiscover@lsu.edu

You can also call our office Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at 225-578-8914

The LSU system that the Mentor Database is set up on only allows sign-ins from @lsu.edu accounts.

If you try to log in with an @agcenter.lsu.edu account or @pbrc.edu account, it will not grant you access. 

If LSU has provided you with an @lsu.edu account in addition to your Ag Center or PBRC account, please use the @lsu.edu credentials. 

  • If the server continues to automatically log you in with your Ag Center or PBRC credentials, try using an incognito browser. 

If you still cannot log in, please complete this separate form to fill out the information we need to create a profile for you on the Mentor Database.

Students are instructed to email the faculty member directly. LSU Discover does not contact the faculty for students, but we do offer them advice on how to write emails or approach faculty.  For students in the PFLR or Explorers programs, LSU Discover will contact faculty on their behalf, but these students are the exception. 

If you do not have the funding to pay a research student, that is okay. Many students volunteer their time or do research for credit hours (ex: independent study).  

If there is a way for you to pay your student researcher, the hourly rate is your decision and can depend on the student's experience and the available funding. The current minimum wage is $7.25/hour, but we strongly recommend that you pay a research student no less than $12.00/hour.  Please note: Students funded by an LSU Discover Project Grant must be paid a minimum of $15.00/hour.

Yes! These forms of financial aid can be used to pay students for their time spent working with faculty.  You should speak to your departmental secretary or business coordinator to help set this up.  If there is no one in your department to assist you, contact the Student Employment Office at stuemployment@lsu.edu and they can assist you. 

This will depend on the nature of the project, the student's experience, the student's course load, and you. Each research experience is unique. The maximum number of hours students are allowed to work on campus is 20 hours per week during the Fall/Spring and 40 hours per week during the summer (if they are not enrolled in classes). Mentors should work with the student to decide on an appropriate weekly schedule.

You, the faculty mentor or your office/lab coordinator, will have to keep track of the student researcher's hours.