November 16, 2017
The faculty and staff of the Center for Energy Studies mourn the passing of former Executive Director Allan Pulsipher, Ph.D. Under his leadership, the Center saw significant advancement in terms of its externally-funded research, as well as faculty hires, publications, academic presentations and media citations. Allan was kind, funny, an excellent writer and a true scholar. We extend our sincerest condolences to Allan's family and close friends.
Allan G. Pulsipher was associate executive director and Marathon Oil Company Professor of Energy Policy
in the Center for Energy Studies and a Professor in the Department of Environmental
Studies at Louisiana State University. He was with the Center for Energy Studies from
1990 until his death in November 2017. Prior to coming to LSU, he worked as the Chief
Economist for the Congressional, Monitored Retrievable Storage Review Commission (1988-89);
the Chief Economist of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1980-88); a Program Officer
with the Ford Foundation's Division of Resources and the Environment (1977-80); as
a Senior Staff Economist with the President's Council of Economic Advisers(1973-75);
and on the faculties of Southern Illinois (1968-77) and Texas A&M (1964-68) Universities.
He earned a B.A. from the University of Colorado and a Ph.D. from Tulane University,
both in economics.
He was a member of the National Petroleum Council, Phi Beta Kappa, the LSU Graduate Faculty, the Editorial Boards of Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy and Oil and Gas Energy Quarterly; and the National Advisory Board of the Institute for Public Policy, Vanderbilt University. His research was published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations Law Digest, American Political Science Review, Finanzarchiv, Growth and Change, Business Perspectives, Forum for Applied Research and Policy, The Conference Board: Regional Economies and Markets, Oil&Gas Journal, The Electricity Journal, Energy Policy, Public Utilities Fortnightly, The Energy Journal , the Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, Energy Studies Review, Ocean and Coastal Management, Oxford Energy Forum, World Oil, Energy Economics, Interfaces, Socio-Economic Planning, Ocean Development and International Law, Risk Analysis, ASCE Journal of Construction and Engineering Management, USAEE Dialogue, and the Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. He contributed several book chapters, co-authored one book, authored numerous research reports, and served on national study committees organized by the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, the National Research Council and U.S. Council on Environmental Quality. He was a member of the U.S. delegation to two international conferences and testified before the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and Tennessee and Louisiana Legislatures and the Louisiana Public Service Commission.
Late in his career, he worked on issues created by the changing oil and gas industry, especially those affecting the offshore part of the industry, and he retained an active interest in policy issues related to the storage and disposal of high-level nuclear waste and the restructuring of the electricity industry-especially as it affects the Tennessee Valley Authority.