Bikram Subedi
Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
Phone: 225-578-0448
Office: 1261 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Master of Science (Physical Chemistry), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
PhD (Analytical Chemistry), Baylor University
Research Interests
Development of analytical methods for trace level chemical contaminants; Wastewater-based Epidemiology – community level prevalence of illicit drugs and New Psychoactive Substances (fentanyl/cathinones/cannabinoids, xylazine, etc.); Understanding environmental sources, pathways, distribution, trophic status, and overall impact of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), micro/nanoplastics, plasticizers, and POPs on the environmental health
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Delcher, C., Quesinberry, D., Torabi, S., Berry, S., Keck, J., Rani, A., Subedi, B. Wastewater Surveillance for Xylazine in Kentucky. American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM) Focus 2023, 3, 100203.
Bade, R., Rousis, N., (+30 coauthors), Subedi, B., (+9 coauthors), Mueller, J. F. Three years of wastewater surveillance for new psychoactive substances from 16 countries. Water Research X 2023, 19, 100179.
Gray, K.E., Delcher, C., Shin, E., Whitt, T.A., Windhorst, A.M., Nath, G., Subedi, B. Drugs Discharged along Interstate Highway Restroom Facilities in Kentucky: Wastewater Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2022, 9, 758-764.
Bade, R., (+20 coauthors), Subedi, B.; Shao, X.T., Yargeau, V., Zuccato, E., Gerber, C. Taste for New Psychoactive Substances: Wastewater Analysis Study of 10 Countries. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2022, 9, 57-63.
Montgomery, A., Bowers, I., Subedi, B. Trends in Substance Use in Two United States Communities during Early COVID-19 Lockdowns Based on Wastewater Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2021, 8, 890-896.
Subedi, B., Anderson, S., Croft, T., Rouchka, E., Zhang, M., Hammond-Weinberger, D. Gene alteration in zebrafish exposed to a mixture of substance of abuse. Environment Pollution 2021, 278, 116777.
Bowers, I., Subedi, B. Oxidative stress hormones in wastewater during COVID-19 pandemic. Chemosphere 2021, 271, 129489.
Lemas, D., Loop, M. S., Duong, M., Scheffler, A., Collins, C., Bowden, J. A., Du, X., Patel, K., Ciesielski, A. L., Ridge, Z., Wagner, J., Subedi, B., Delcher, C. Estimating drug consumption during a college sporting event using wastewater-based epidemiology. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 764, 143963.
Montgomery, A., O’Rourke, C., Subedi, B. Basketball and drugs: Wastewater-based epidemiological estimation of discharged drugs during basketball games in Kentucky. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 141722.
O’Rourke, C., Subedi, B. Occurrence and mass loading of synthetic opioids, synthetic cathinones, and synthetic cannabinoids in wastewater treatment plants in four U.S. communities. Environmental Science and Technology 2020, 54, 6661-6670.
Croft, T.L., Huffines, R.A., Pathak, M., and Subedi, B. Prevalence of illicit and prescribed neuropsychiatric drugs in three communities in Kentucky using wastewater-based epidemiology and Monte Carlo simulation for the estimation of associated uncertainties. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384, 121360.
Dhungana, B.; Peng, H.; Kutarna, S.; Umbuzeiro, G.; Shrestha, S.; Liu, J.; Jones, P.D.; Subedi, B.; Giesy, J.P.; Cobb, G.P. Abundances and Concentration of brominated azo dyes detected in indoor dust. Environmental Pollution 2019, 252, 784-793.
Foppe, K.S., Hammond-Weinberger, D. R., and Subedi, B. Estimation of the consumption of illicit drugs during special events in two communities in Western Kentucky, USA. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 633, 249-256.
Skees, A.J., Foppe, K.S., Loganathan, B., and Subedi, B. Contamination profiles, mass loadings, and sewage epidemiology of neuropsychiatric and illicit drugs in wastewater and river waters from a community in the Midwestern United States. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 631-632, 1457-1464.
Subedi, B., Sullivan, K.D., and Dhungana, B. Phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers in indoor dust from childcare facilities, salons, and homes across the USA. Environmental Pollution 2017, 230, 701-708. 16. Meszaros, N., Subedi, B., Stamets, T., and Naima, S. Assessment of Surface Water Contamination from Coalbed Methane Fracturing-Derived Volatile Contaminants in Sullivan County, Indiana, USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2017, 99, 385-390.
Subedi, B., Balakrishna, K., Joshua, D. I., and Kannan, K. Mass loading and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products including psychoactives, antihypertensives, and antibiotics in two sewage treatment plants in southern India. Chemosphere 2017, 167, 429-437.
Subedi, B., Balakrishna, K., Sinha, R. K., Yamashita, N., Balasubramanian, V.G., and Kannan, K. Mass loading and removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products, including psychoactive and illicit drugs and artificial sweeteners, in five sewage treatment plants in India. Journal of Environmental Engineering 2015, 4, 2882-2891.
Subedi, B., Codru, N., Dziewulski, D. M., Wilson, L. R., Xue, J., Yun, S., Braun-Howland, E., Minihane, C. and Kannan, K. A pilot study on the Assessment of trace organic contaminants including pharmaceuticals and personal care products from on-site wastewater treatment systems along Skaneateles Lake in New York State, USA. Water Research 2015, 72, 28-39.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. Occurrence and fate of select psychoactive pharmaceuticals and antihypertensives in two wastewater treatment plants in New York State, USA. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 514, 273-280.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. Fate of artificial sweeteners in wastewater treatment plants in New York State. Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 48, 13668-13674.
Subedi, B. and Kannan, K. Mass loading and removal of select illicit drugs in two wastewater treatment plants in New York State and estimation of illicit drug usage in communities through wastewater analysis. Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 48, 6661-6670.
Subedi, B., Lee, S., Moon, H. B., and Kannan, K. Emission of artificial sweeteners, select pharmaceuticals, and personal care products through sewage sludge. Environment International 2014, 68, 33-40.
Subedi, B., Yun, S. H., Jayaraman, S., Bergen, B. J., and Kannan, K. Retrospective monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) and sediments from New Bedford Harbor, MA, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2014, 186, 5273-5284.
Subedi, B., Aguilar, L., Williams, E. S., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. Selective pressurized liquid extraction technique capable of analyzing dioxins, furans, and PCBs in clams and crab tissue. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2014, 92, 460-465.
Subedi, B., Lee, S., Moon, H. B., and Kannan, K. Psychoactive pharmaceuticals in sludge and their emission from wastewater treatment facilities in Korea. Environmental Science and Technology 2013, 47, 13321-13329.
Robinson, E., Trumble, S., Subedi, B., Sanders, R., and Usenko, S. Selective pressurized liquid extraction of pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in a whale earplug (earwax): A novel method for analyzing organic contaminants in lipid-rich matrices. Journal of Chromatography A 2013, 1319, 14-20.
Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C. K., Koschorreck, J., Rüdel, H., Quack, M., Brooks, B. W., and Usenko, S. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in German fish tissue: a national study. Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46, 9047–9054.
Subedi, B. and Usenko, S. Enhanced pressurized liquid extraction technique capable of analyzing polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans, and polychlorobiphenyls in fish tissue. Journal of Chromatography A 2012, 1238, 30-37.
Subedi, B., Mottaleb, M. A., Chambliss, C. K., and Usenko, S. Simultaneous analysis of select pharmaceuticals and personal care products in fish tissue using pressurized liquid extraction combined with silica gel cleanup. Journal of Chromatography A 2011, 1218, 6278–6284.